CSS Examination Detailed Guide

What is CSS Examination: A Detailed Guide Covering Everything What is CSS Examination Civil Superior Services exam commonly called CSS exam is a competitive exam in Pakistan. It is the recruitment exam of BS 17 officers in 12 occupational groups. The exam qualifiers get allocations in various government departments across Pakistan according to merit. There are four layers of the exam starting from Mcqs based Preliminary Test or MPT. After MPT, there is a written part, then a psychological assessment, and lastly the interview. MCQs Based Preliminary Test - MPT CSS MPT, as its name suggests, is a 200-mark Mock Test based on Mock Questions. The candidates have to score at least 66 marks to qualify for the next part. In MPT, the examiner tests the aspirants' knowledge of current affairs, Pakistan affairs, Islamic studies, Science, Math, and English. Federal Public Service Commission is responsible for conducting CSS exam. Every year in August the commission advertises the next ...