CSS 2024: Important Essay Topics

Important Essay Topics for CSS 2022
Important Essay Topics for CSS 2024

One of the many compelling questions CSS aspirants ask is that what are the important essay topics for CSS exams. It is very important for the aspirants to know what topics they should prepare very well and from every dimension to ace the essay exam. 

There are some topics related to national affairs, international affairs and some of the topics are related to domestic issues. A candidate has to pass the CSS essay exam by scoring a minimum of forty marks out of a hundred. It has been observed from the past results of CSS exams that each year when the result is announced, the majority of the aspirants fail the essay paper. The main cause for not being able to pass this paper is that the aspirants don't practice essays during their CSS preparation. They cram the relevant facts and figures but when sitting in the actual exam, they face many issues. In our next blog post, we will provide the best tricks and tips to pass an essay paper in the first attempt. 

The most important topics are listed below. We have further categorized these topics so that the aspirants have a better and clearer understanding of what areas or dimensions they should focus more on. The topics listed below have been selected by consulting past papers, so if the candidates want to prepare essays from the past papers they can just prepare the mentioned ones. 

Important Essay Topics for CSS 2024

Here is the list of the most important essay topics for CSS 2024.

1. Climate Change

Climate change can be defined as an average change in conditions of a particular area over a certain period of time. As a result of climate change, certain changes in weather patterns are observed. The average temperature of the area concerned changes so does the average rainfall. 

Due to severe weather conditions in many parts of the world, world leaders, academics, civil society organizations, environmentalists, and scientists have been raising their voices to mitigate the hazardous effects of the climate crisis. 

The essay on this topic can be asked by the candidates in many ways. For example, they may be required to write on,

What is climate change, how to cope with the crises?

Global warming is not a myth.

The climate crisis has worsened in the 21st century.

Global climate crisis: Pakistan's efforts to deal with the situation. 

2. Islamophobia

Islamophobia can be described as hatred and prejudice against Islam. It is the fear of Islam in many non-Muslim, especially Western countries. Muslims in these countries are subject to violence, physical, and psychological assaults due to widespread Islamophobic sentiments. 

Although the issue has gained world attention due to the sudden rise in hate crimes against Muslims, it is not a new phenomenon. The roots of Islamophobia can be traced back to the second half of the twentieth century.

Possible essays on Islamophobia

Islamophobia in the West

Causes and effects of Islamophobia

How Muslims should deal with the prevalent Islamophobia in non-Muslim countries?

3. Afghan Quagmire

It is another one of the most important essay topics for CSS 2024. The situation in Afghanistan is volatile and the examiner can not skip this key topic. 

Afghanistan has been in a state of continuous war since January 2001 when Nato forces, under the umbrella of the Global War on Terror, attacked the country. The United States of America led the Nato forces against Al-Qaida and its commander Usama-bin-Ladin. Afghanistan was ruled by the Taliban and Nato after direct military action against them, ended their rule. Since then, the Taliban have been fighting against US-led Nato forces, and just recently, after lengthy and cumbersome peace talks between the Taliban, the US, and other stakeholders, the international forces have decided to leave the country. 

Possible essays on the topic;

Pakistan's future policy towards Afghanistan.

American withdrawal from Afghanistan and Implications for Pakistan.

India needs to correct its course after the Taliban take over.

Is Afghanistan inching towards another proxy war?

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4. Gender-Based Violence

Violence against women has always been a hot topic for the CSS essay paper. The cases of gender-based violence have manifold in recent years. The law enforcement agencies and other state institutions have been trying their best to punish the culprits. Several new laws have also been introduced to protect women and transgenders against violence. The FPSC wants the candidates to be fully aware of the severity of the situation. 

The candidates can expect the following essays on the topic,

Violence against women in Pakistan

Rights of women in Islam

Woman thy name is frailty

Gender equality is a myth 

Top Essays for CSS Exams



5. Reforming Economy of Pakistan

Essay on the economy of Pakistan is repeated in competitive exams given the importance of this topic. Pakistan's economy has always been weak since independence. If we trace the historical roots of the poor state of the economy of Pakistan, it comes to light that a partial and prejudicial treatment was meted out in Pakistan when the assets were being distributed between two newly created countries in 1947. Since all big industrial units were established in India, Pakistan had to start from scratch. 

In recent years there seems an uptick in economic activity, but due to a looming public debt, and outside borrowing the situation is still precarious. 

Expected essays

The economy of Pakistan; challenges and prospects.

Impact of foreign aid in the economic development of Pakistan.

Economic crises in Pakistan.

Impact of Covid-19 on the economy of Pakistan.

Do IMF bailout packages really help the economy of Pakistan?

6. Media Freedom in Pakistan

Important Essay Topics for CSS 2022

Media Freedom in Pakistan

Historically, the freedom of media in Pakistan has been subject to change in power. The topic is important for CSS 2024 because the new federal government has been criticized due to putting some curbs and restrictions on media outlets and journalists.

In CSS exams, essay on this topic comes in the form of twisted statements and quotations. 

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Freedom of media in Pakistan; blessing or bane?

Freedom of expression and media censorship in Pakistan.


7. Civil Service Reforms

There has been a lot of hue and cry about civil service reforms in Pakistan. In each electoral campaign, the political parties in Pakistan come with a bundle of ideas, strategies, and plannings to reform the outdated model of bureaucracy. 

The issue is put on the back burner when the government assumes power. There are many challenges in reforming the bureaucracy and civil service and the candidates are expected to be cognizant of the same.

Important essays for CSS 2024

Reforming the Civil Service of Pakistan; challenges and opportunities.

Bureaucratic reforms in Pakistan.

8. Democracy in Pakistan

Democracy is an often repeated topic in the CSS essay paper. 

The democratic principles and norms are enshrined in the constitution of Pakistan 1973. As a matter of fact, democracy is the basis for which Pakistan emerged as an independent state in 1947. 

Among the Muslim world, Pakistan is the largest democratic state. Soon after its independence, the country faced a plethora of challenges and one of these challenges was an immediate threat to democracy in the form of dictatorship. 

Military in the past gave serious setbacks to the democracy by practically meddling in the political affairs of the country. It is an open secret that the past military leadership never wanted to see democracy flourishing in the country. 

Another reason for the weak democracy is the inefficiency and incompetence of the political leadership. After the sad demise of our great founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and the brutal assassination of Liaqat Ali Khan, no politician has been successful in securing public trust and confidence. As a result, the country faced a leadership vacuum. 

Important essays from the topic

Democracy in Pakistan; challenges and opportunities.

Is democracy still vulnerable in Pakistan?

Why democracy never flourished in Pakistan?

Is Pakistan a truly democratic state?

9. Pakistan's Water Crises

Water is an essential commodity for life. It will be futile to write paragraphs here on the importance of water on this planet of ours. But, what makes the topic even more important in CSS exams is the fact that human civilization is in danger due to the depleting water reservoirs. 

The situation is grim in Pakistan as the country has been declared water-scarce due to the low availability of water per person. 

The researchers warn that Pakistan is on its way to becoming a water-stressed country by the year 2040.  

Important Essay Topics for CSS 2022

Water Crisis in Pakistan

Important Essays

The water crisis in Pakistan; causes and effects.

The water crisis is a direct threat to national unity in Pakistan. 

Do we need more dams?

Pakistan's water dilemma. 

10. The Status of Education in Pakistan

Education is a lifelong process of learning. Every civilized society lays a special emphasis on education because the future of nations depends upon the minds which are equipped with this powerful tool. 

Sadly, the situation in Pakistan is grim when it comes to education. Imparting education with sincerity has never been our priority. Every successive government comes with bulky plans to reform the education system of Pakistan but the situation on the ground remains unchanged. 

In CSS exams, almost every year the examiner asks the candidates one particular essay on education.

Listed below are the important topics on education. Aspirants must prepare this topic on priority.  

Role of education in character building of a nation

Educational reforms in Pakistan

Flaws in our education system of Pakistan

Education makes people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern but impossible to enslave

Need of serious planning for technical education in Pakistan

All of the above-mentioned essay topics are very important for CSS exams. Aspirants should prepare these topics from different resources and make their own notes. Practicing essays on a regular basis is a must to pass the exam and fetching good marks. Aspirants are advised to practice at least once a week, they can start by writing short paragraphs in the beginning. They should also make a detailed outline for every essay topic covering all the dimensions. 

Best Resources for Essay Preparation

Essay writing is an art. A detailed and workable strategy is necessary to master the art of essay writing. The aspirants of CSS exams should consult different resources for essay preparation. 

First of all, they should have a book covering all important essays asked in the past exams. One of the many good books for CSS essay preparation is Winning Essays authored by CSP Mureed Hasan Jasra. 

Download Link: Winning Essays 

Another very important source is magazines and newspapers. The CSS candidates should keep themselves updated on the recent developments in the national and international landscape. They should consult JWT magazine, Foreign Policy, Current Affairs, Dawn, Khaleej Times, Washington Post, and other print or digital magazines and newspapers. 



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